Art Jam Winners Have Been Announced!

1st Place: Pragati Shamarayar

2nd place: Avigna Ashokkumar

3rd Place: Devanshi Gupta

Welcome to the Mindful Clicks, Balanced Picks Art Jam!

“Eat your veggies!”

You all know that veggies are good for you. But how many times do you find yourselves loading up on chips and fries and fast food? In fact, some chip makers now outright challenge you: Bet you can’t eat just one!

Professor Dan Ariely, Nobel laureate, the father of behavioral economics, and the author of Predictably Irrational, figured out that under the right conditions, our brains can be hacked. Hacked in a way to get us to willingly do something that is not in our best interests!

Those chip makers figured out how to get you to keep eating their chips, even when they know that they aren’t good for you. When it comes to screens (phones, tablets, laptops, television), the big social media, streaming, and gaming sites that you spend a lot of time on have figured out something similar: how to keep you, the user, hooked onto their sites, doing what is good for them, but not what is good for you!

Here is a video Prof. Ariely himself recorded just for you! Take a look.

The Contest

For this art jam, come up with a graphic that shows your idea of what it means to have a balanced digital diet.

Be creative! Be memorable! Be cool! Come up with a slogan (or two) if you’d like. 

You can learn more about Screen Nutrition, and our ideas here at We will feature the best entries online on our website. For the top winning entries, we will print their stickers (either 2in x 2in or 3in x 3in), or other material they have created to raise awareness on the importance of a balanced digital diet.

With that said, here are a couple of examples:

Your turn!



Your entry may be designed digitally (minimum 1000x1000 pixels), or on paper.

If you plan to use paper:

  • A standard letter size sheet works best

  • Create your entry at 7.5in x 7.5in size on the paper.

  • To submit:

    • Take a high quality photo of your paper or scan it and send it to us using the submission guidelines below.

The entries can be in the shape of a square() or a circle(), but must have equal width and height (1:1 aspect ratio).

Submission Guidelines

To submit your art, please fill out this form:

Alternatively, you can email it to

If you are emailing it, be sure to include the following information:

  • First and last name

  • A minimum 1000x1000 pixel resolution image of your entry. A png or a pdf works great.

  • The name of your school

  • Your age

  • Your grade in school (1st-8th)

  • Optional: A photo of you. If your entry is chosen, we will feature it on our website.

  • Optional: For extra coolness, a photo of your hand holding up a thumbs up sign with an "X" written across it, like the sticker shown in the first example.