Screen Nutrition
OpenConnect Collaboration Platform

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Crowd-sourced Dataset
open sourced on Kaggle!

Empowering & connecting digital content creators with digital content consumers for a healthier, balanced digital diet.

Welcome to the "Open Screen Nutrition Connect Platform," a pioneering digital hub designed to unite content creators, reviewers, and consumers on a single platform, fostering a deeper understanding of the Screen Nutritional value in terms of learning, entertainment, and mindfulness, and its profound impact on daily well-being.

In today's digital landscape, we're constantly immersed in a diverse sea of content, just as we navigate a complex menu in a restaurant. Yet, how often do we contemplate the nutritional value of the digital content we consume? Much like we scrutinize food labels for our dietary choices, it's time to extend our discerning gaze to the content we engage with in the digital realm.

The Open Screen Nutrition Connect Platform introduces a revolutionary concept, akin to FDA labels for food but tailored for digital content. Within this innovative ecosystem, content creators are empowered to define the nutritional value of their digital creations. They can choose to manually set these values or leverage our cutting-edge generative AI technology to automatically generate Screen Nutrition labels. This ensures that their content doesn't just entertain but also contributes positively to the audience's well-being in terms of learning, entertainment, and mindfulness.


Raising awareness-II


National Day Approved!